Sierra September 1-30, 2020


CFO, (Chief Fun Officer)

Been busy these last few weeks with packing and sorting and more sorting and packing as we moved from an old antique adobe rental home to a rental on the Tarleton Ranch, where we are involved with the new development just minutes north of Taos. During this transition, we have had very little quality time to spend with Sierra, while all the packing was going on.

We are now living on the ranch where we can go for walks every day and she can be off leash, chasing her balls and having fun. We are loving this new transition and Sierra is loving her new surroundings. You can see the worried look on Sierra’s face during the move. I just took the other photo yesterday. Sierra is also eating more since the move. We discovered that the previous home had serious mold issues, which we did not realize it was causing my asthma to get worse these past 2+ years living with adobe walls…Sierra is loving the new location and I am not having any asthma symptoms! I will never live in an old moldy house again!

I weigh & measure Sierra once a month, so here are her stats as of September 20: 14″ collar, girth: 24″, height to shoulder: 24″ weight: 34lbs. Sierra has gained 2 lbs!


Take a look at the photo of Sierra during the packing period. She was obviously worried and concerned. The other photo shows how she has settled in.

Sierra’s photos for the month of September: